
PACE is run by a dedicated team of members working largely on a volunteer basis. PACE has many objectives:
• to promote and encourage the growth of quality high school academic tournaments around the country
• to provide guidance or assistance to colleges or high schools that wish to organize academic tournaments
• to encourage innovation and creativity in academic competition
• to establish visibility for college quizbowl programs that run high school tournaments
• to foster cooperation among college and high school quizbowl programs in preparation for upcoming regional, state, or national tournaments
• to encourage quizbowl teams to participate in tournaments across the country prior to regional, state, or national championships
• to promote adequate opportunities for all teams to practice, compete, and socialize among other fellow competitors
• to produce the question set for and run the National Scholastic Championship each year

Your tax-deductible donation to PACE, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, supports us in our work, from running the National Scholastic Championship, to supporting outreach for high quality high school quiz bowl, to maintaining the Quizbowl Resource Center, including the forums and the database.

We thank you for your support!

Make a Donation
Donations to PACE, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, are tax-deductible.

Many employers will match your donation, making your donation doubly effective. Check with your human resources department for details.

Donations may be made securely online through Paypal:

One-time donation:

Recurring donation:

Monthly donation:

For alternative methods of donation, such as by check, please contact our Treasurer, Mike Bentley.

Passive Giving
Websites that donate a portion of your purchase to charity may allow you to select a charity for your donation. Keep an eye out for PACE next time you make a purchase! Humble Bundle is one example through which donations can be received.

Volunteer for NSC
The National Scholastic Championship needs a ton of moderators, scorekeepers, runners, and general staffers to run every year! If you’re interested in helping out, contact our NSC staffing coordinator and let us know any relevant experience you have. People with extensive moderating experience are particularly welcome.

If you are a professional such as a videographer, photographer, or web designer who would like to contribute some of your time and skills to our work, let’s get in touch to explore how we might work together!